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Embed PowerBI Report to CRM Form

 Introduction : 

You can embed a Power Bi report on a Dynamics CRM form with below steps.

Note that below example is for report that does not need to be filtered with Dynamics CRM parameter. For filtering you can use the Power Bi embedder in XRM ToolBox.


In Power BI (web) go to File -> Embed report-> Publish to web

 It will show above error if embed code creation is not active. For that Go to Settings -> Admin Portal-> Tenant Settings and Allow existing and new codes under Publish to web.

If already enabled or after enabling you will get below screen to create embed code.

You will get a link, copy that (Link you can send in email)

Now add an Iframe to the Dynamics CRM form and paste the coped link in URL. Uncheck Restrict cross-frame scripting and click Ok.

You will now see the Power BI report on the form where you added the Iframe.


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