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Showing posts from August, 2021

Get CRM Records Count with XRM Tool Box

 We all have faced issues where we end up getting 5000+ when we do an advance find. We ultimately have to make a report or use Power BI. When we only need count, we might choose export excel as an option but again that will limit us to 1 lakh records. Here is an easy way to get the count, yes its a workaround but it does help. 1) Create and Save a view of data you wish to count Now, login to XRM Tool box and open the tool - FetchXML/ View Record Counter.  Follow below 3 step process: 1) Click on Load Entities. 2) Select your saved view 3) Click on Execute Count Record Count will be displayed along with time lapsed. You can also edit the FetchXML and Execute Count.

CRUD operations in D365 CRM using C# Plugin

 Introduction: CRUD- Create, Reterive, Update, Delete are the operations we mainly perform and in this blog we will limit ourselves to just simple C# code to perform these actions. The highlighted part of code is where you need to enter your data/ field/ table name. CREATE : Entity Recordtobecreated= new Entity(" schema_name_of_entity "); Recordtobecreated[" schema_name_of_field "] = " field_ value "; service.Create(Recordtobecreated); RETRIEVE SINGLE RECORD var cols = new ColumnSet(new String[] { "Lookup_field","Status_optionset_field" }); Entity Ouput= service.Retrieve(" Target_entity_schema_name ", Target_entity.Id , cols); Once retrieved, you can get the attributes values- for lookup and option set example refer below code. Guid LookupValue= ((EntityReference)Ouput.Attributes[" Lookup_field "]).Id; string StatusData= Ouput.FormattedValues[" Status_optionset_field "];  int Optionsetvalue= ((OptionSetVal...

Understanding Recurrence Trigger in scheduled cloud flow

 Introduction: Whenever we need to send reminders or perform a task on specific interval, our first thought is to have a cloud flow that triggers on the scheduled time. To schedule a flow we use Recurrence Trigger. As per above screenshot, our flow will trigger every 1 minute starting from the Start time mentioned[8/5/2021 4:30]. We can set the Time zone as per which we want to trigger the flow. Interval- specify the no of times we need the flow to run in the given frequency. Frequency- here we specify if we need the flow is run per Minute, Second, Hour, Day, Week, Month. The above parameters are same for Frequency of Month, Minute, Second, Hour, however Day and Week have some additional parameters. In case of week, we get to choose the flow will run on which days and what hour (both of these option are multi select dropdowns. We also need to specify a value between 0 to 59 to set the minutes. Note: If we do  not set the minutes, the flow will trigger anytime between the ...