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Showing posts from May, 2021

Invalid XML for List Rows in Cloud Flow

 While using Cloud flows, list rows action, we may end up getting the error " Invalid XML" This error is because our Fetch XML contains special characters, these special need to be encoded before we use them in fetchxml In the above example my Company name has special character and so it fails. We need to first encode the Company Name. Add a compose action>> Go to expression and use encodeuricomponent() Then use the compose output in your fetch xml. Now List row runs successfully with or without special characters.

IF Condition using expressions in Cloud Flow

 Are you tired of adding actions for every condition? Does the size of your flow bother you? Did you hope, What if being a developer, you would just write a nested if statement in flow. Well that is possible, simply add a Compose action and go to expression. if(expression: boolean, valueIfTrue: any, valueIfFalse: any) Required. A boolean value that determines which value the expression should return. Returns a specified value based on whether the expression resulted in true or false Example: if(contains(triggerOutputs()?['name'],'Flow'),'Success','Failed') Nested Ifs: if(condition,valueif true, if(condition, valueiftrue, value if false)) Note : While using Nested IF, check the order of condition , else it may give wrong output.