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Showing posts from March, 2021

TIP - Salesperson to override price in D365 CRM

 By Default in D365 CRM Sales Manger have permission to over Product price but Sales person do not have the permission. To provide permission, simply modify the Sales Person Security Role. In Sales>> Miscellaneous Privileges>> provide BU level access for Over ride pricing.

TIP - Parent Account Owner Change Does Not Affect Child Account

 In D365 CRM, as per the default behavior if we update the Parent Account Owner, the child Account Owner also gets set to the Parent Account Owner. This is set with an expectation that the entire hierarchy will be owned by a single user. However, in the real world people tend to be owner of child accounts where as a Manager is set as owner of the main parent Account. In such scenario, it is a common need to change the default behavior. 1) Go to Customisations/ or create a Solution. 2) Go to Account>> 1: N relationship and open account_parent_account It is by default set to parental-- update it to Configurable cascading and set Re parent to Cascade NONE.

D365 Marketing - Customer Journey

  Customer Journey: Here the initial step is to select the Segment (Target audience). After that you select the steps and conditions that the flow/journey should have. Usually, we send an email from the list of marketing emails. We can schedule the email to be sent at a particular duration. Based on if the email bounced, was clicked, opened, conditions like if then are written and next steps are decided. The general tab has basic information about the Customer Journey. The Insight tab will analytics of the customer journey.

Parse JSON in Excel

Introduction:  Recently I came across a scenario where I had an Excel column with data in JSON Format. I wanted to convert JSON to a comma separated string. Solution:  Select the Table in excel and go to data>> From Table/Range It will load the power query builder, select the JSON Column and go to Transform>> Parse>>JSON Click on the arrow above Record and select ok. Your JSON data will be separated to different Columns Click on Close and Load to save the transformed data to the Parent Excel. You can further concatenate the columns and use VLOOKUP based on Sr.No to update string to the base row.

D365 Marketing - Segments

In Simple words segments are audience or group of customers you want to reach out to. 1)       Static Segment- Static segments are populated by adding contacts explicitly. User can add contacts with query or manually, these contacts will be added one time and will not update. 1)       Dynamic Segment -Segments which you define by using a set of rules and conditions. Contacts will be added using Query, anytime a new contact is created which satisfies the query condition, it will automatically be added to the segment. Also, you can choose to use a previous created template instead of developing a new query.

D365 Marketing - Trial

 Getting Started: D365 Marketing has a 30 days trial, If you do not have any existing D365 CRM environment, you can create a D365 Marketing Trial from In case you are already using Sales APP or any other App, you can go to Navigate to Resources>>Dynamics 365 apps. Here you will notice that Dynamics 365 Marketing Application will show as Not Configured. You can install/ enable the App, doing so you will get access to the D365 Marketing App. We will explore D365 Marketing in the next part. Happy Learning!

Pad a String/Integer with leading zeros in C#

 Problem Statement: I had a requirement, to set a field value in the format "ABC/001". Here ABC was a constant prefix and 001 was an incremental count. The counter created to store this incremental value takes a single digit( e.g:1) and I needed it to be set as '001', also when the counter reaches 10, the value set should be 010. Thus, I have to pad variable number of zeros to set Prefix/3 digits Solution: In case the value to be incremented in an integer, you need to convert it to string. string Paddedoutput = counter.ToString();                        Paddedoutput = Paddedoutput.PadLeft(3, '0'); Syntax: Output=yourstring.Padleft(no of digits to be maintained,'0') Similarly, if we need zeros at the end, we can use PadRight(no of digits to be maintained,'0') Instead of zero, you can add another character as well.

TIP: Remove Last Character from String in Cloud flow

Problem Statement:  Use below expression in compose action to remove the last character from a string. substring(variables('variable_name'),0,sub(length(variables('variable_name')),1)) here, substring will give output of minus one from the length of string

TIP: Hide/Show Section on form using JavaScript

Problem Statement: If you want to hide sections from a form using JavaScript. Use below code- Here, tab will be the tab on which your section is present. From the tab, get the section. Then you can set visibility to true or False.