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Working with Solutions in CRM Dynamics


In this post, we will read about solutions,Components and  Import-Export of solutions in  Dynamics CRM. Also we will see working with both the old and new interface of Dynamics CRM.

Pre- requisites:
An instance of CRM Dynamics 365/ Trial account.


Solutions are used to extend business functionalities in CRM. Solutions provide a framework for packaging, installing, and uninstalling components to match your business functionalities.
Managed and Unmanaged are the two types of solutions.

An unmanaged solution is a solution that is still under development and not intended to be distributed.By default, any new solution is an unmanaged solution and until you have completed all customizations, you must not create a managed solution. 

A managed solution is a solution that is completed and intended to be distributed and installed. 

Now since there are many developers working on a project, each one might create different solutions for his/ her part of customizations and there might be a conflict as to what order/ which solution to apply.

In CRM usually the last solution which is imported or created will be applied.

How to create a Solution:

1) login to and sign in with your CRM trial account.

2) Click click on settings and go to advanced settings

3)Advanced settings will land you to the settings page, after  clicking on the arrow besides settings, you can see the options in the below screenshot 

4) Create a new solution
Note: By clicking on "Try new experience" , you can use the new interface

5) After creating a solution, you can add existing components that you want to customize. In case you don't need any of the existing components- you can add new components.You can add Entity, Web-resources, Plugin assembly etc.We can discuss about the components as we go ahead.

For Details:

Importing and Exporting Solutions:
After creating a solution on your testing/ development/ Sandbox environment, you might want to move all customizations to production, the method of doing that in CRM is by using import- export functionalities.

Exporting a Solution: In your sandbox , create a new solution, add all the relevant components that you want to move to production. These components will include entities,forms,fields,plugins,etc.

Note: While adding components, the solution will give you a pop up asking to add other required components as well, you can check the list shown and decide whether you want to add those components or no, usually the components which are present on production to which we have not made any changes in sandbox are not added.

1) select the solution , you want to export--> click on export--> Publish all customizations( this is done in case you have made any last minute customizations and have forgotten to publish it.-->Next

2) After clicking next, it will ask for the type of package(Managed/Unmanaged). It is always preferred to export an unmanaged solution.

3) Once you click on export a zip of your solution will be downloaded.

Importing a Solution: On Production, go to solutions and click on Import
1) Select the zip of solution that you have exported,If there is any error in the solution you are trying to import, then that error will be displayed.
2) Once you have resolved the error, you may go ahead and import the solution.


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